Sweet baby boy C. Mom said they watched him miss his mouth a few times before he finally found his thumb.

Yes, Lucy has made it to 27 weeks today! Hooray! I am so proud of her for being so strong this week and being so selfless in all her decisions, everything she has done has been to keep her babies in her womb as long as possible. What a mom she will be!
Ben reported this morning that he thought he and Lucy slept for 8 hours straight last night. I am so happy for that! Mom also spent the night too, and I am sure it helped them sleep to know someone else was there. Lucy is off the Magnesium and now on a contraction medicine she was taking at home (starts with a p). The doctors are allowing her some pain meds to deal with the contractions and that has helped a lot. I went back to see her around 10 am and she was sound asleep.
The doctor gave each baby an 8 out of 8 again this morning! He also still heard rattling in Lucy's chest so he decided to do another round of Lasix (thanks Shemia :)) and will do a chest Xray later today if it persists.
Lucy and Ben are still not taking any visitors. The calm and quiet in her room has put off the cesarian this long, so they are going to keep doing what they are doing to try and keep those sweet little souls in there as long as they can.
Here's my attempt at the survey :)
How far along? 27 weeks
How big are the babies? As of Wednesday, Baby A: 2lbs 1oz, Baby B: 2lbs 6oz, Baby C : 1 lb 15 oz. Lucy has now gotten the full benefits of her steriod injections and they probably have gotten larger!
Weight gain? I have no clue
Stretch Marks? I don't think so and I also think this is a bit personal for a blog :)
Sleep? The begining of the week, terrible. Last night, good.
Best moment of the week? I think everyone will agree with me here. Finding out that there was not a blood clot in Lucy's lungs. Thank you for all the prayers, they were definitely answered.
Food and cravings? Since wednesday all they have allowed Lucy is ice chips and a few popsicles. I'm sure she's craving anything right now. She actually sent mom out of the room when she had a starbucks in hand, it was torture!
Movement? They said Baby A was difficult to ultrasound today because of how much she was moving. Mom thinks she is planning her escape route. Ha!
What I miss? My guess is Lucy would say her bed from the 6th floor. The labor and delivery beds are much less comfortable. The nurse said she put in an order for an egg crate but I haven't heard anything about it getting there.
Belly Button? I have no clue how, but its still an innie. That's some deep belly button!
Looking forward to? I know she would say a shower! She has been asking for days but everytime they are about to let her something else goes wrong.
Milestone? 27 weeks is a pretty good one!
Thanks again to everyone for all the thoughts, messages and prayers. It brings me to tears to
think about the about the support this new family has.
Aunt Laney