Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Columbia Shower
Little Moutain Shower
Last Sunday, we had a shower in Ben's hometown of Little Mountain. It was at the church he grew up in and given by his Aunts and cousins. It was great and we got lots of cute things. We even got the girl's car seats........whew, that's a huge help. Thanks to everybody for thinking about us and our sweet babies.
The cake squares were yummy in my tummy! Two pinks and a blue on my plate.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
21 weeks
View from my bed at dinner time. Thanks Mom for helping us out so much this week, don't know how we would do it without ya.
Well my 21st week of pregnancy turned out to be the most eventful thus far. I say eventful but it was really just downright scary. I went back to the doctor today and got a much better report. The medicine is working to slow the contractions and he recommended that I stay on the medicine and bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy. Oh my.......its going to be a long summer. The doctor gave me the ok to go to our baby showers in Columbia this weekend as long I sit the whole time and stay on bed rest while in Columbia. My mom is going with us so I'm sure she will be keeping me in line. I am so excited I get to go!!!!!!!!!
In bed rest news............well, I just lay here all day. I assure you it is not as easy as it sounds. I don't sit still well in the first place, so this whole bed rest thing is going to be a little more challenging for me than most. I am really kicking myself for not getting more done around the house to get ready for these lil sweet peas before now. The worst part of bed rest so far, is that my hips are killing me from laying on my sides all day. Mentally, I'm doing ok too, but I'm sure I'll start to go crazy soon. So this could be sanest blog post yall get.......ha ha, I'm serious. I'm going to go ahead and apologize for anything I say form this point forward.
I don't really feel like doing my questionnaire this week, but I'll pick it up again next week. Even though it seems that I may be complaining a bit about the bed rest thing, I honestly understand its importance and would do anything in the world to keep these babies safe inside my belly for as long as possible.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Happy Father's Day
I'm awful for not doing this sooner.......
Happy Father's Day to my dad, Ben's dad and of course, Ben! We had a lovely fathers day in the Boland household. It consisted of Ben and his dad working on the house and me lying on the couch (I wasn't feeling so good). We took Ben's dad, CB, to pick out a fish finder. I told Ben that I would take him out for a nice dinner sometime this week and gave him a sweet card. (Little did I know I would be going on bed rest so I guess I should resort to Plan B, if I only had one). My dad was in Florida fishing with my brother Jake, so I know he had a great Fathers Day, even though I was missing him very much.
I think that Fathers Day meant much more to me than it did to Ben this year. At this stage, I feel a little more connected with these babies (for obvious reasons) than he does. Next year, I'm sure he will be feeling a little more deserving of a Fathers day Celebration. I bet he will be wanting a Fathers Day getaway. I can't wait to watch Ben changing diapers, making silly faces and zillion other baby duties he will be doing soon. There is not a doubt in my mind that he make an amazing dad.
Daddy we love you and can't wait to meet you!
Baby A, Baby B, & Baby C
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Good News and Bad News
What do you want first?........I think its best to start with the good news.
We had a doctors appointment (MFM) yesterday and our babies are doing great!
Baby A weighed 1lb and had a heart rate of 149. The ultrasound tech commented on how long her legs were. Looks likes she will be taking after her Aunt Laney and Aunt Spencer.
Baby B was our smallest, weighting in at 15oz. She had a heart rate of 149 just like her sister. She was having some sort of early morning dance party. She is my wild child.
Baby C weighed 1lb also. He had a heart rate of 150. He made it pretty tough to get all his
measurements because he was curled up in a little ball under my right rib. Ouch!!!!
They took all the measurements for the hearts which completed my Anatomy Scan. It took 3 doctors visits to get all those babies measured. Now I can officially report that everything with the Anatomy scan went great and we are so thankful to have three healthily babies.
Ok, the not so good news..........
They put me on bed rest. My cervical measurement was much shorter than it was last week. Dr Scardo asked me if I thought I was having contractions and I told him "no, but I wasn't sure how to tell if I was". He put me on the monitor and sure enough, I was having contractions. This is normal for me to have a few contractions because my body thinks I'm much further along in this pregnancy than I actually am. However, the contractions were a little closer together than the Doctor would like to see.... So, he put me on a Medicine to slow the contractions and sent me home to my bed. I go back to the doctor Thursday to see if I can go to our baby showers in Columbia this weekend. I sure hope I can make it, but it doesn't matter, our top priority is what's best for these babies!
My Mom and Ben are doing a great job of taking care of me and I'm doing my best to take care of these 3 precious babies.
Pray these babies stay stay tucked inside my tummy for at least 10 more weeks....
****Will post pictures soon....
We had a doctors appointment (MFM) yesterday and our babies are doing great!
Baby A weighed 1lb and had a heart rate of 149. The ultrasound tech commented on how long her legs were. Looks likes she will be taking after her Aunt Laney and Aunt Spencer.
Baby B was our smallest, weighting in at 15oz. She had a heart rate of 149 just like her sister. She was having some sort of early morning dance party. She is my wild child.
Baby C weighed 1lb also. He had a heart rate of 150. He made it pretty tough to get all his
measurements because he was curled up in a little ball under my right rib. Ouch!!!!
They took all the measurements for the hearts which completed my Anatomy Scan. It took 3 doctors visits to get all those babies measured. Now I can officially report that everything with the Anatomy scan went great and we are so thankful to have three healthily babies.
Ok, the not so good news..........
They put me on bed rest. My cervical measurement was much shorter than it was last week. Dr Scardo asked me if I thought I was having contractions and I told him "no, but I wasn't sure how to tell if I was". He put me on the monitor and sure enough, I was having contractions. This is normal for me to have a few contractions because my body thinks I'm much further along in this pregnancy than I actually am. However, the contractions were a little closer together than the Doctor would like to see.... So, he put me on a Medicine to slow the contractions and sent me home to my bed. I go back to the doctor Thursday to see if I can go to our baby showers in Columbia this weekend. I sure hope I can make it, but it doesn't matter, our top priority is what's best for these babies!
My Mom and Ben are doing a great job of taking care of me and I'm doing my best to take care of these 3 precious babies.
Pray these babies stay stay tucked inside my tummy for at least 10 more weeks....
****Will post pictures soon....
Friday, June 18, 2010
20 Weeks

Sorry this is a little late....But better late than never!
If I was pregnant with one baby, I would be half way there this week. BUT.......nothing happens normally for me and clearly this pregnancy is no exception. The doctors have told me since the beginning that this is the week that really need to start taking it easy . The worst part about this is that I had to stop working. Most of you know that I'm a nanny and have spent the last 2 and half years helping raise the most wonderful young man and little lady in the world. Evans and Mae have been such a huge part of my life and I have loved every minute of watching them turn into little people. Now that they have a new little sister, Ann Tolly, I can't wait to see her grow up too!!
How far along? 20 weeks
How big are babies? The size of a cantaloupe, make that 3 cantaloupes........no wonder I look like this
Weight gain? Drum roll please.......... 20 lbs at 20 weeks!
Stretchmarks? not yet. I have become obsessed with searching for them. Since I cant really see the bottom part of my belly that is Ben territory to look for them.
Maternity clothes? I'm so glad I'm pregnant during the summer and can wear dresses (I'm sure mid July I will be kicking myself for say that.)
Sleep? OFF! That's all I can really say, I sleep when I can and read baby books when I can't.
Best moment of the week? Evans and Mae's Special adventures!!!
Food and Cravings? I have been really into popcorn and peaches lately
Gender? Still the same!!!
Movement? Its wild and crazy in there. Sometimes, it just makes me laugh.
What I miss? being able to move around easily
Belly button? Every time that I look at my belly button in the mirror, I say "Belly button, turn that frown upside down!". Seriously, my belly button looks like it's frowning.
What I'm looking forward to? The day that this house is ready for the babies. Ben keeps telling me that everything is going to be done, but I see no end to this mess.
Milestone? Becoming a stay at home mom!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
20 week appointments

I had two doctors apointments this week, both went well. We had most of the babies anatomy scans done, all that's left is the hearts which we will do Monday. Still no mention of bedrest and I am keeping my fingers crossed! I am taking it pretty easy to avoid being forced to bed. Next week they will measure the growth of the babies and i can't wait to see how much they weigh! They should be close to a pound each.
Baby A is on the bottom on top of my bladder and scrunched in a little ball. Baby B is stretched out nice and long on my left side and taking up most of the room, she looks quite comfy and we have a feeling she'll wear the pants in this trio. Baby C is at the top on my right and his head is right inside my ribs. Getting his ultrasound pics are pretty uncomfortable becasue they have to press the wand into my sore ribs.
Everybody was super active this week and the technician asked me what i had for breakfast, which was nothing (7:30am appointment), maybe they were just hungry. There is a 3D pic of Baby A's face, she was in the perfect position. Looks like all of my little monkeys are growing well and so am I!
Friday, June 11, 2010
19 weeks
I spent the 19th week of my pregnancy at the beach (with doctors approval of course). It was wonderful. Aunt Laney and Uncle Pup made the pics this week. When I looked back at the pictures, I was in shock how big my belly looked in the picture with Philip. As you can tell, I am growing by the day still!

How far along? 19 weeks
How big are babies? the size of a mango
Weight gain? not sure, I have a doctors appointment Tuesday. I'm guessing that it will be up at least 20 lbs by 20 weeks (see tha freakin' picture!)
Stretchmarks? another week down with no stretchmarks!!! With the size of this tummy I can't believe it.
Maternity clothes? I think I'm going to have to break down and buy maternity loungewear. Even my elastic waist pants are starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
Sleep? I fall asleep easily, but after a few hours my hips start hurting me pretty bad. After that, I just toss around until the sun comes up.
Best moment of the week? Sarah (my cuz) and Brian's Wedding. My Grandpa, Daddy Bill, danced so hard he danced the soles off both of his shoes. It was hilarious!!!
Food and cravings? I was doing so good at the beginning of the week. I thought I was back to my old self (eating anything at any time). Then I lost my appetite about Thursday. I'm starting to think it may have to do with how the babies are positioned in there.
Gender? A boy and 2 sweet girls
Movement? Its a party!!!! I think I can tell who everybody is now.
What I miss? My husband. It was great to be at the beach for a week, but I missed Ben a lot more than I expected. I'm depending on him much more these days.
Belly button? Its so sad looking. It looks like it is frowning at you :(
Looking forward too? Baby showers and doctors appointments.
Milestone? Babies 1st time to the beach
Monday, June 7, 2010
Babies 1st MLB Game.....Mama Too
Over Memorial Day weekend, we went to Atlanta for a Braves Game. Even though I could care less about Major League Baseball we had a good time. The Braves even Won!!!!
My favorite part about the trip was our hotel room. It was super nice and it had a huge bathtub (thanks for modeling Philip). It was great to be able to take a bath and not have my belly stick out of the water and get cold.
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