Thursday, June 2, 2011

Belated 1st Mothers Day

Last year, I THOUGHT that being pregnant with triplets, I deserved a Mother's Day celebration......well.......I HAD NO IDEA! Being pregnant was the easiest part of triplet mothering.This year, I KNOW, I deserved a small celebration (as all mothers do). Matter of fact, I think they should make a week out of it. That could very well be the 1st step in "healing the world."
Mother's Day fell two days before Louise's surgery which was a nice distraction. We gathered family at our new house for the 1st time and had a delicious meal. Ben and the babes surprised me with a beautiful watch that was engraved with the date of my first Mother's Day and my babies initials. Family, food and a present....what more could a girl ask for?!
Motherhood, so far, has been WILD. Its scary, tiresome, all consuming, but mostly, amazing. Everyday is fresh and new. I love seeing the world through 6 little curious eyes. I know it sounds cliche, but I really feel that this is where I'm supposed to be. Who'd thunk it. Another home run for the Big Guy in the Sky!

Anyways, here are some new pics of my ever growing trio on my 1st "official" Mothers Days


  1. Love the pictures! Hopefully I can meet these guys soon! Miss you!!!

  2. They are getting so big and still so freaking adorable!
