Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big News...

I have a 10 lb baby!!!!!!!! Charlie has decided that he is sick and tired of being the runt of the litter and has had a major growth spurt. On December 2 we had a doctors appointment and he weighed 6lbs 11oz and Friday (January 7) he weighed 10lbs even. That's 3lbs 5oz in 36 days!!!!! I about hit the floor in the pediatrician office. I'm, sure the other parents in there thought i was some sort of looney toon because I totally freaked out. Laughing, crying, shaking my baby over my head...It was a proud mama moment for sure. (Oh, thanks to the 2 nurses who joined in on my "Charlie is a Champ" chant so i didn't look like a complete idiot). I just can't believe that my little peanut that was 1lb 15oz is 10 WHOLE POUNDS! Not bad for a breastfed baby!!

The girls are growing too! Reece was 7lbs December 2 and is now 9.5 lbs. Louise was 7lbs 6oz on December 2 and is now 9lbs even. That's right my biggest baby and my smallest baby switched and Reece is holding steady in the middle. BIG BIG BABIES!!!!

Sorry no pictures still having trouble with downloading pictures. Truthfully, I have taken so many pictures of the babies I filled up Ben's computer memory, and even though I have backed up the pictures I'm scared to delete them.


  1. 10 pounds!!!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!

  2. Such big big babies! I miss them! Give them all hugs and kisses for me! I want to come see them!

