I can't believe that my babies 1st Christmas has come and gone. Even though I'm sad that's it over, Christmas at the Bolands was PERFECT! Christmas is so much more fun with all of these babies in the house. Even though the babes will not remember it, we still did Santa and the whole shabang!! Go big or Go home...Right!!
The babies even had their very first trip outside of the house (with the exception of doctor's appointments of course!) on Christmas Eve to Papa Jay's house. It took a good deal of planning and effort to get the trio moved, but we did it. We had so much fun!!
Christmas morning Junebug and my siblings brought over a yummy brunch, and we did Christmas with the Bolands on the Sunday before, when we fried a turkey and cooked up a storm.
There was something very special about waking up Chrismas morning with my family. Last year, all I wanted for Christmas was a baby, and I must have been on Santa's nice list (or maybe naughty?) because this year we have three!!! We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas with thier families.
Here are a few pics from Aunt Laney's camera, mine is acting up a bit!:). As soon as I get my pictures uploaded I will add a part 2.

This is the face that you get when you take Reece's pacifier from her!

Lou slept through the commotion of christmas eve!

I turn to mush when I look at this picture... Happy BOY!!

Charlie and Reece in their pack-n-play at Papa Jay's

Three happy babies can't wait to open presents!!

Daddy with Louise, trying to get a smile.

Family Pic

Christmas Chaos!

Me crying after opening Laney's gift...A book with all of the blogposts and pictures!!
I think it will be so special to share with the babies when they are older.

The trio thanking Santa for a great 1st Christmas
(Does anyone see Uncle Pup in this picture??)

Santa and our Family on Christmas day!